
University of Greenwich, United Kingdom (2021-current)

Global Business and Sustainability (postgraduate course)

Business Ethics  (undergraduate course)

Innovation in Action (undergraduate course)

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship (undergraduate course)

Business Creation (undergraduate course)

Personal and Professional Development (undergraduate course)

Future Paths (undergraduate course)

Innovation in Competitive Environments (undergraduate course)

Wageningen University, The Netherlands (2017-2021)

Philosophy and Ethics of Management, Economics, and Consumer Behaviour (graduate course)

The pretensions and limitations of scientific knowledge (Popper, Kuhn)

The basics of the market economy (Arendt, Smith, Friedman)

Moral reasoning (Aristotle, Kant, Mill, Satz, Sandel)

Ethics, Health and Society (undergraduate course)

Moral philosophy (Aristotle, Kant, Bentham, Mill)

Political philosophy (Mill)

Philosophy of public health (Conly)

Analysis of a Problem Situation (undergraduate course)

Introduction to philosophy (thematic overview)

Introduction to moral philosophy (Aristotle, Kant, Bentham, Mill)

Applied ethics (Singer, Regan)

Plant Biotechnology (graduate course)

Ethical & societal aspects of plant biotechnology